Q: What kind of language certificates are accepted for admission?
A: You are asked to proof your active language skills of English and Spanish or Portuguese in equivalence to a C1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). Here, certificates, relevant schooling and/or university studies can serve as documents in support. In dubio (or cases of outdated certification), we recommend to send in actual(ized) proofs.

Q: How are the visa regulations for studying URC?
A: This depends on your nationality and certain conditions (vid. specific UNIA information). For instance, if you come from a non-EU country and do not need a visa for entering Germany, as a student of an international joint curriculum starting in Augsburg (1st semester), you can proceed in Germany in accordance with the EU REST Directive. And in case you should need a visa to enter Germany, you might participate in the REST procedure then in Spain (2nd semester), etc.
Please take, in all cases, into account that specific national proofs might be demanded by the local authorities regarding funding, health insurance, etc., and that your passport should have a minimum validity for at least 3 months after the end of the four regular URC semesters.

Q: In which language shall the motivation letter be written?
A: In one of the three URC world languages (English, Spanish, or Portuguese).