Five universities and over 35 academic, institutional, local, regional, and national partners in Europe and Latin America form the transatlantic URC Stakeholder Network already, tightened and inspired by high-quality in situ expertise and worldwide expanding interrelationships.
Academic Partners
Institutional Partners
University of Augsburg (UNIA)
+ ISLA Institute of Iberian and Latin American Studies {Coord.}
+ IEK Institute of European Cultural History
+ WZU Environmental Science Center
+ ZLbiB Center for Teacher Education and Interdisciplinary Educational Research
University of Coimbra (UC)
+ CES Center for Social Studies
University of El Salvador (USAL), Buenos Aires
+ IIFLEO Research Institute of Philosophy, History, Letters, and Oriental Studies
University of Santiago de Compostela (USC)
+ ANTE Territorial Analysis Research Group
+ CETUR Tourism Study and Research Center
University of São Paulo (USP)
+ ALiESP Linguistic Atlas of the State of São Paulo
+ C4AI Center for Artificial Intelligence
+ OUTROS Laboratory for Other Urbanisms
+ PÓLIS Institute
Local, Regional, & National Expertise Partners
+ AEDES Architecture Forum Berlin
+ Augsburg City Youth Council
+ Department of Culture, World Heritage, and Sport of the City of Augsburg
+ Fugger & Welser Museum, Augsburg
+ Goethe Institute, Munich
+ Grandhotel Cosmopolis, Augsburg
+ Kresslesmühle, Augsburg
+ Regio Augsburg Tourism
+ tim State Textile and Industry Museum Augsburg
+ Titus Bernhard Architects, Augsburg
@Buenos Aires/Argentina
+ ACISU Civil Association
+ Department of Culture and Sports, Municipality of Quilmes
+ Engineers Without Borders Argentina
+ Fundación Comunidad Contemporánea
+ Fundación Lebensohn
+ Ministry of Culture of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires
+ Casa da Esquina Cultural Association
+ CREATOUR Observatory
+ JACC Cultural Association
+ O Teatrão Theatre Company
+ SMUC Science Museum of the University of Coimbra
@Santiago de Compostela/Spain
+ Ames Council
+ Museo do Pobo Galego
+ Santiago Consortium (City Council)
+ Santiago de Compostela Tourism
@São Paulo/Brazil
+ Fundo FICA – Non-Profit Housing
+ Literary Museums and Literature Houses Network / Secretary of Culture and Creative Economy of the São Paulo State Government (POIESIS Cultural Management)
Advisory Board
_Prof. Dr. Gloria Chicote
Senior Researcher / CONICET National Scientific and Technical Research Council / University of La Plata, Argentina
_Charles Landry
Urbanist / Gloucester, England
_Dirk Scheelje
Director / Heinrich Böll Stiftung/SH – Kiel, Germany
URC Stakeholder Survey
If you, as an institution, project, or individual, are interested in sharing your professional perspectives and expertise regarding transversal urban cultural topics, needs, and challenges, we invite you to contribute them to our ongoing survey. Please contact us, to receive a participation link.
Join URC
If you are interested in becoming an active URC partner, feel free to contact us.